John is an experienced finance professional who spent much of his career in a commercial business within the public sector, before moving into the charity sector. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and his last full time role was as Finance Director of Oxfam, stepping down in 2009. Since then his portfolio has included Trustee roles at Tearfund and Farm Africa, as well as a non-executive Director role at Cafédirect, where he was on the Board for over 10 years, stepping down in 2020. In both Trustee roles he was the Honorary Treasurer and at all three organisations he chaired the Audit & Finance Committees. During his time at Farm Africa he represented them as a non-executive Director on the Board of Sidai Africa, a Kenyan company, established by Farm Africa as a social enterprise veterinary services business working with smallholder farmers across Kenya. He joined the Board of Producers Direct in December 2023 and brings a wealth of financial management and governance experience as well as a passion for the important role of smallholder farmers.